Trinidad Carnival 2022: Safe Zone Events

Trinidad Carnival Costume

After a lot of speculation and rumor, the Prime Minister announced Trinidad Carnival 2022 will be reduced to safe zone events. I found it amusing that people were surprised or saddened by the news. I have a healthcare background, so I was not surprised whatsoever.

Trinidad Carnival Costumes
Trinidad carnival festivities at the socadrome

Stakeholders in Trinidad Carnival were optimistic about the outcome of Miami Carnival 2021. 

Miami hosts the largest Caribbean carnival in the United States. The state of Florida did not report a surge in COVID 19. As a result, people had the hope that Trinidad and Toabago could hold a major event.

But let’s not forget that Trinidad Carnival brings people from all over the world to a scale that far exceeds the Miami Carnival.

Trinidad and Tobago is doing exactly the right thing in my book.

Economic impact of no Carnival in Trinidad

Carnival is woven into the culture and economy of Trinidad and Tobago. The carnival season generates revenue for not only the tourist sector, but also for entertainers, security, hospitals, media, retail and other small businesses.

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Trinidad and Tobago reported that more than 78,000 tourists visited Carnival in 2020.  Tourists spent more than 12,000TT on average, and stayed for approximately 12 days.  

There is no doubt that the impact of no Trinidad carnival is felt at a micro and macroeconomic level.    


Vaccination rates and new cases

COVID-19 vaccines have been available for about year and yet approximately 46% of Trinidad and Tobago is fully vaccinated.

In the last 14 days, there have been more than 7,700 new cases and 29 deaths in the last seven days.

With a rise in COVID cases in Trinidad and Tobago currently, it goes to question as to whether even safe zone events are a good idea.

So what's a safe zone event?

Caesar's Army twitter
Recent tweet from Caesar's Army.

No one knows the answer at this point.  Caesar’s army is hinting at something special, and I will definitely keep my eyes peeled.

Personally, I will not go to in 2022, even for safe-zone events. But I will definitely prepare for the Trinidad Carnival in 2023.

Would you like to live vicariously through me?  Read all about my experiences at Trinidad Carnival 2020 with Lost Tribe.

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