All About Monday Wear

I remember the first time I heard “Monday Wear.” What is Monday wear? Where do I buy Monday wear? Most importantly, why would I want to wear it?  If you are as confused as I once was, this is the blog you want to read.

In Trinidad, the carnival costume was worn on Carnival Monday and Tuesday.  The bodywear of the outfit was worn on Monday, and the bodywear with feathers was worn on Tuesday.  Over time, people began to seek other options over wearing the same bodywear for two days.  And so, Monday Wear was born and has evolved into a staple item of revelers on and off the road.

Monday Wear ranges from an intricate design for hire, a “base” of a carnival costume, to a simple swimsuit or bikini.  It’s that simple!

Have an old carnival costume?   Swimsuits in your drawer? You already have it! But if you want to know where to buy Monday wear, this blog is for you.

Check my blog if you’re looking for cute bags to wear with your outfit.

Old costumes, purchase from a band or designer

People would traditionally throw away their costumes to represent shedding old skin and coming out new.  In current times, costumes are expensive and so intricate that many save the body wear.

monday wear
This Monday wear design was commissioned from Chez Zen Mas.

Trinidad carnival is a pretty big deal, so some may hire a designer for a particular design. Many of your favorite bands sell Monday wear options, so check out their website or inquire via social media or email.   For Trinidad 2020, I purchased an outfit from Melissa Simon – Hartman.
I’m looking forward to seeing what she might create for 2023.

melissa simon-hartman monday wear
Now that she's designing for celebrities, I hope I can afford her next year!

Outfits made from swimwear and bodysuits

Monday Wear Outfit Swimsut
Monday wear is something as simple as a bodysuit or swimwear.

If you are a fete-goer on a budget, bodysuits and swimwear are fantastic options.  Note: If you pick a bodysuit that snaps in the crotch, please have it sewn shut.  Yes, I have seen ladies unexpectedly exposed, thinking those two snaps would withstand the rigor of her kitty and the revelry.

I compiled a shortlist of super-cute swimsuits that you can wear for as low as thirty bucks.  I love a good deal!  Attached is an affiliate link, and I earn commissions from your purchases. I thank you in advance!


Monday Wear Ideas
Click the photo to head over to my idea list on Amazon.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?    

Monday wear gives you freedom of movement and may actually afford you an opportunity to express your individuality on the road or at a fete.  I hope this helps you! 


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