Lessons from Grenada Carnival

Spice Mas, Grenada Carnival, Carnival in Grenada

SpiceMas is hands down one of my favorite Caribbean Carnival events. I attended for the first time in 2023 and discovered I should have been better prepared. I will share some lessons learned from Carnival in Grenada that will prepare you for your Spice Mas experience in the future.

Spice Mas 2024 is set for August 12-13, 2024. Check back later for an exclusive planning guide.

Don't miss pree day.

Pree Day is a concert hosted by the Soca Artist and Grenada native Talpree. Pree Day is considered one of the events to attend during Grenada Carnival. Unfortunately, military obligations forced me to catch a flight later in the week. Imagine how low I hung my head when I met Tallpree and told him I wouldn’t be able to make his event…
At any rate, I won’t disappoint Uncle Tallpree next year, and neither should you.
Pree Day takes place the Wednesday before carnival Monday and Tuesday, so be sure to plan accordingly!

Don't sleep on Soca Monarch

I didn’t attend Soca Monarch because I had a severe case of the blues. Unfortunately, my beloved pet companion and best friend crossed the rainbow bridge the day before I was supposed to fly to Grenada. I was determined to make this trip, but I was not in my right mind. While I stayed in my hotel room and cried for several days, I missed an energy-packed event. The next day, I watched the event footage and promised myself that I would not miss out on Soca Monarch next year.

3 road events in one day

Spice Mas, Jab Jab, Grenada Carnival, Carnival in Grenada
Jab must play.

I needed clarification about why Monday wear was being sold for Carnival Monday. If it wasn’t for Monday night mas, what was it for?
After you experience Jab Jab J’ouvert, next is another road event wearing Monday wear. The spice mas organization refers to this as a “Pageant.”
Monday night ends with Monday Night Mas, where you get to go back out on the road at night to fete and glow… literally. My Monday night mas bag was packed with a t-shirt, a hat, and glow sticks to wear and wave.
Jab was why I came to Carnival in Grenada, and that was all I did. I’ll return in 2024 to get a taste of all three events.

Nothing else to do on Sunday

AWM, Spice Mas, Spice Mas 2025, Grenada
In 2023, did a reef tour followed by a photo shoot.

I tried to mix my trip to SpiceMas with some tourism and culture. I had an excursion booked for that Sunday, which was canceled because there weren’t enough attendees. Alternatively, I sought other things to do on the Island that day. I wasn’t successful.
Grenada shuts down on Sunday for religious observations AND to prepare for Carnival on Monday and Tuesday. Get your tourism activities done beforehand, because there will be little else to do but fete until Wednesday.

Draw enough cash.

While heading to the ferry to Carriacou, I went to multiple ATM machines to draw cash. THEY WERE ALL EMPTY. Be sure to keep enough cash handy to get around. I had enough cash to purchase the ferry ticket, but I had to draw cash once I got to Carriacou.

Avoid the ferry if you can.

I got to experience the “vomit comet” to Carriacou. It was the most intense ferry ride I have ever taken. I would have definitely been a victim if I had not researched and had dramamine with me. This can all be avoided if you book your flights early. SVG Air flies from GND to CRU, but seats are very limited. 

Grenada Carnival deserves a re-do.

I was not in the right frame of mind for this trip, but I did my best. This post is dedicated to my best friend, Tango, who was with me for 13 years. He passed away on my very last day in uniform. His job was done. Thanks for looking out for me, buddy. I can’t wait to see  you again on the other side.



I intend to return so I can fully experience SpiceMas. Be sure to check back occasionally for updates and a planning guide.