The Carnival Glam Hub Experience
My first experience with Carnival Glam Hub was for Trinidad 2020. I had a fantastic experience so when they popped up for Miami, I knew I had to be there. Here's my review.
My first experience with Carnival Glam Hub was for Trinidad 2020. I had a fantastic experience so when they popped up for Miami, I knew I had to be there. Here's my review.
This year will the first that I will be attending carnival and the fetes with a boo. Having seen the videos of fighting couples and the uncomfortable chad in my timeline, I assume those couples had not had a discussion about their ROE (rules of engagement, yes I...
A vaccine has come and as the numbers of those vaccinated in the United States increase, the number of active COVID 19 cases continue to fall. And so… in 2021…Carnival returns. How will you do things differently?
Currently, there are roughly 18 Caribbean Carnivals held across the United States (pre-covid, of course) and I have found on many occasions the cultural experience to clash with American values and perceptions.
To a lot of people not familiar to the culture we may automatically gravitate to Carnival as being a definition. But the culture is so much more than that.
Next up in the AWM spotlight is Tash Elzie, co-host of the @preezeedoesit podcast, photographer, stand-up comedienne AND super-mom. Read all about her carnival love story, how she enjoys carnival despite her challenges with sensory sensitivity, and her perspectives on battling the mental health stigma in the black community.
Today we catch up with Shujaa (pronounced shoe-jah) Smith, the co-founder of RBG Carnival. Read about his journey and intersection of culture and cause.